...and sincerely hoping that this is my last cycle day one of 2012.
Today marks ten days of Lupron, and my period is here. Even though I've been giving myself injections for a week and a half, this development really feels like we're making progress. This is the cycle during which we will *hopefully* conceive.
Tomorrow morning, I will head back to the Fertility Center for Stirrup Appointment #2 - or my baseline ultrasound. Once that's complete, we'll start stimulant drugs. Bravelle and Menopur, every evening. I'll keep up the Lupron every morning, although I think my dosage will go down.
After ten days on Cipro, on Friday I had a symptom (yes, just one) that led me to believe that I may have a yeast infection, and I may or may not have flipped the eff out. I know that a yeast infection is no big deal, but I was really concerned that it may throw off whatever delicate balance we're trying to create here. I left a panicky message with our nurse, and....she still hasn't called me back. I'm not happy about that, so I'll be mentioning it at the office in the morning.
I was worried it would delay my period, would delay my IVF procedures, would cause the whole thing to be cancelled...yes, it was an out-of-control spiral. Finally, Jared called a doctor friend who assured us that a yeast infection would have no impact whatsoever and suggested that I take a nibble of a Xanax and chill out. So I did.
I'll be back tomorrow, with a Stirrup Update. Hooray!
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